- UNT Dallas
- School of Education
- Student Resources and Forms
- Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers
We are looking for people who have...
- passion about the power of education to transform lives
- commitment to teaching bilingual or ESL education
- a record of leadership, strong communication, service, academic success, and commitment
to continuous learning
- intent to enroll at UNT Dallas in Fall 2019 to complete a BS, Education (the teacher
education degree)
All Aspiring Teachers will benefit from financial and professional support including:
- A scholarship of up to $8000.00 per year for up to four years
- Mentorship from a local educator or principal
- Participation in local and statewide cohort meetings of aspiring teachers
- Invitation and funds to attend the annual Raise Your Hand Leadership Symposium
- Inclusion in an on campus teaching club
- Professional support as they near graduation
- An online community for scholars across the state to connect