The following are low cost or no cost recommended resources for study and preparation:
Representative Exam Request (Available June 1) Practice exams that simulate the real TExES Certification Exams, can now be requested for you to take anywhere (virtually) on CANVAS. These exams are at no cost to the student. Test scores of 85% or higher may be submitted for permission to take the TExES exam.
TExES Preparation Manuals - A breakdown of the exams, strategies for taking the exams, and sample questions with rationales. Each certification exam has its own Preparation Manual. Please check with to see if paper copies of preparation manuals are available at no cost.
Certify Teacher - Practice exams, flashcards, and quizzes. Please contact to request free access to Certify Teacher.
Through the support of Project BECAS (Bilingual Educators for Communities and Schools), our School of Education is able to offer Certify Teacher access to undergraduates for their core content exam, PPR, and supplemental exam.
How do I get access?
At program entry, all students will automatically be given account access. Students who need help accessing their account can email with their untdallas email address and a list of the exams to access.
Where do I login?
Visit the login to your program page on Certify Teacher. If you need help with your password, please follow the directions listed on the site.
Which exams can I find support for on the Certify Teacher site?
Certify Teacher offers practice exams and practice questions for most certification tests. Visit their site for a comprehensive list.
How can I use Certify Teacher?
Certify Teacher is a great resource for diagnosing your areas of strength and focus as you begin your preparation for state licensure examinations. The online, timed practice test will give you a sense of the testing experience and the results will help shape your study plan as you prepare for another representative exam and for the real test.
Interactive Practice Exams - Practice exams that simulate the real TExES Certification Exams. A $10 fee applies to each practice exam. This test is for study purposes only – they will only be accepted for permission to take the TExES exam for 7-12 Math, 7-12 Life Sciences, and LOTE exams.
UNT Dallas Library - Study guides are available for check-out at the UNT Dallas Library.