Distance Learning Programs
Fully Online
Courses in this format are offered completely online to students nationwide. Students
have the flexibility to engage in their courses at the time and from the location
that meets their needs. These courses do not require students to participate at set
times or from set locations.
Courses in this format are offered completely online to students nationwide, unless
otherwise noted. Students have the flexibility to engage in their courses from the
location that meets their needs. Some programs may require scheduled online meetings
and/or in-person exams or orientations.
Current Programs of Study
Fully Online
- M.S. in Criminal Justice (MSCJ) A 36-credit hour Master of Science degree that is focused, highly immersive, combining
theory, application, and experiential learning into 8-week terms.
- B.A.S. in Emergency Services Administration A nationwide transfer-only program allowing students to transfer in up to 84 hours
of credit. The Emergency Services Administration degree is 1 of only 3 bachelor’s
programs in Texas recognized by the US Fire Administration.
- Master of Management (MMgt) A 30-credit hour program available in an 8 week format and designed to help those
with little or no previous business experience prepare for positions in leadership
and management. An undergraduate business degree is not required.
- Master of Business Administration (MBA) A 30-credit hour MBA degree program offered across the State of Texas preparing students
to master the modern business world. In the MBA program, students will learn leadership
skills, managerial acumen, sound financial and accounting strategies, and interpersonal
- Undergraduate Certificate in Dealership Management and Operations A 21-credit hour program designed to prepare students for management positions in
automotive dealerships and related organizations.