APA -- American Psychological Association
- The official website for the American Psychological Association
- APA's Quick Guide
- APA's Guide for a Reference List Examples
- OWL at Purdue APA Guide
- OWL at Purdue's Sample APA Paper
- Santa Fe College's Guide for In-text Citations
- APA 7th Edition Updates
- California State University, Dominguez Hills on Reference List and In-text Citations

MLA -- Modern Language Association
- Purdue OWL's MLA quick guide
- Frequently asked questions about MLA (answered by the Modern Language Association)
- MLA from the Library of Congress
- Purdue OWL: Formatting Basics
- Purdue OWL: Works Cited List Formatting
- Purdue OWL: In-Text Citations
- ProfessorAllenNPCC: How to cite film in works cited
Other Citation Guides
- Necessities in Academics: An Educational Guide to Citation Styles(recommended by the Texas A&M University Writing Center)
- Complete list of documentation styles and web links compiled by the Texas A&M University Writing Center
- Purdue Owl Citation Chart: a side-by-side comparison of MLA, APA, and CMS (Chicago) that shows the differences in citing books, online resources, etc.
- (AAA) American Anthropological Association
- (APSA) American Political Science Association
- (ASA) American Sociological Association
- (AP) Associated Press
- (CMOS) Chicago Manual of Style
- (CSE) Council of Science Editors
- Turabian
Web Tools
- Mendeley- Free reference manager
- Bibme.org: Use this free website to help you write and create citations correctly
- Citation Machine: Use this free website to help you write and create citations correctly