As part of its academic mission, the University of North Texas at Dallas creates academic and sports programming for minors. Some of these programs include the TRIO and Pre-Collegiate Programs, Upward Bound, Talent Search, Rising Blazers, McNair and Trailblazer Elite programs.
Whether the minors are in the care, custody and control of UNTD or a third-party, the following procedures must be followed to ensure compliance with Policy 15.003 Programs for Minors v.1 (
The Camp Director is responsible to ensure that the camp complies with all policies and procedures. The Camp Director will keep all documentation regarding their camp for auditing purposes.
All groups (internal and external) must register their program with Risk Management. See Forms section below.
All background checks are conducted through IntelliCorp.
Each background check costs a minimum of $19.00. The sponsoring department will be billed for the charges. Risk Management can provide the link to the IntelliCorp portal.
Sexual Assault and Child Molestation Awareness Training (SACMAT) is provided through the UNT Bridge platform.
Please use this link to request training: Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management
All campers must have accidental medical insurance. Internal camps must purchase this insurance through UNT.
External campus must either provide proof of insurance or purchase insurance through URMIA.
All camps, internal and external, must comply with the guidance below for adult to child ratios.
Age of Minor Participant |
Number of Adult Staff |
Overnight Minor Participants |
Day Only Minors Participants |
5 year or younger |
1 |
5 |
6 |
6-8 years |
1 |
6 |
8 |
9-14 years |
1 |
8 |
10 |
15-18 years |
1 |
10 |
12 |
All programs that require laboratories must be approved by Lab Manager, Linda Mooberry, Ph.D. and comply with all lab safety guidelines.
Registration and Verification Forms: Internal Groups | External Groups
Medical Information and Release
Guidelines and Risk Assessment for Camp Directors