Risk Management provides the following guidance for vendors and university departments that participate in events on campus. The university is self insured for General Liability insurance. All vendors that come to UNTD for events are required to produce evidence of insurance that meet the following requirements:
General Liability: $1M per occurrence | $2M Aggregate
Automobile: $1M
Workers’ Compensation: Statutory Requirements
Additional Insureds:
Board of Regents for the University of North Texas System
University of North Texas System
University of North Texas at Dallas
A Waiver of Subrogation is required on all policies and there shall be no exclusions for sexual molestation.
Vendors that do not have insurance can purchase TULIP (Tenant and User Liability Insurance Policy) insurance through URMIA.
TULIP (Tenant and User Liability Insurance Policy) provides special event liability
coverage. It is designed for third party users of our space who do not carry liability
insurance. This is a low-cost, event specific insurance. TULIP can only be purchased
when the event takes place in a UNT Dallas owned facility or property. It does not
extend to other properties.
No open flame. This includes candles, grills and other cooking devices such as ovens, waffle makers and portable stove tops.