We are dedicated to provide holistic support as you take this journey as a college student. We are dedicated to prepare our students to be critical thinkers, innovators, and modeling what it means to be a trailblazer! Our committment to your success connects with our mission to be with you along this journey. Take a look at a few resources that may help you along this journey. From notetaking, time management, to our FAQ for Parents and Families. We are here to support you along the way!!
As we prioritize your academic journey, we are here to provide additional resources for you! Please use the link below to access academic resources created by our peer success coaches via GoogleDrive that you can download for free !
Help your student achieve success at UNT Dallas with check ins and reminders about important dates and deadlines throughout the semester. Provided below is an overview of how the semester may look like for your student and how you can be of support as they start their college experience!
By Week 1, your student should have finalized their class schedule. Check in with them to make sure they have met with their Academic Advisor and registered for classes. Be sure to remind your student that they can contact their Academic Advisor if they need to make changes to their schedule. You student should have a peer success coach assigned to and will reach out to your student to schedule their first check in and to see how they can support them.
Helpful tips: Make sure their class schedule is finalized. That they scheduled an appointment with their peer success coach, they completed all to-do’s in their portal, spoke with financial aid and student solutions, and that they downloaded the EAB Navigate app
By Week 2, your student should have their EAB Navigate 360 app activated along with other helpful
apps such as the UNT Dallas app and Canvas. This is a way for student to have hands
on access to their courses, schedule appointments!
By Week 3, your student will have received a Student Success Intake form. It is important for
your student to take the survey so their Peer Success Coach can best support them
during their time here at UNT Dallas. Meanwhile, your student may have received an
Early Alert (academic concerns related to attendance, engagement, courses progression).
Talk to your student about engagement in their courses, and to remind them to check
for notifications form their peer success coach and academic advisor and make a plan
for staying engaged in their classes.
Helpful Tips: Attend professor offices hours if they have questions about coursework, meet with
the Learning Commons for tutoring assistance, learn more about student involvement
through student affairs.
If your student has a disability, it is recommended that they have provided any necessary
documentation to Student Disability Services and set yp an appointment with disability
support services.
By Week 4 your student has completed their first month in college. This is usually when they may have taken a few quizzes/exams and preparing for midterms to begin.
Helpful Tips: Your student may have had to learn how to adjust to a new environment while trying to figure out a day to day routine.Ask them about how they are doing and listen with they express concerns their first month. Share positive messages to help them while encouraging them to balance academic, social activities and self-care.
By Week 5, your student will begin preparing for their midterm exams. Remind them of the Learning Commons where they can meet with a tutor and to meet with their peer success coach.
By Week 7, your student should have set an appointment with their Academic Advisor to plan out their classes. Remind you student that their Academic Advisor can help them select classes that match their academic goals and degree requirements.
By Week 8, your student has made it halfway through the semester! Check in with them to see how they are doing. Ask about how they are doing; in their classes, adjusting to campus. Your student can always schedule an appointment with their peer success coach to gain support and accountability.
By Week 9, your student should begin to assess what courses they should take for the next semester. Ask your student if they have met with their academic advisor and encourage them to meet with them if they have any questions
By Week 10, your student should know their professors. If they haven’t met with them..it’s not too late! All faculty members have office hours so if your student has questions about a course, their grades, or a career field, encourage them to stop by their professor’s office for a visit.
By Week 11-12, Have they met with their peer success coach, academic advisor, and professors? Remind your student that their Academic Advisor can help them select classes. They can also learn how to read their academic progress report to see their progress.
By Week 13-14, your student should begin to register for the next semester’s classes. Remind them to schedule an appointment with their Academic Advisor if they have questions or concerns.
By Week 15, your student will be preparing for final exams. Wish them luck and point them in the right path by referring them to the Learning Commons for tutoring, attend study groups with their peers, and meeting with their professors to ask questions.