Student Success partners with departments at UNT Dallas to reach out to prospective and current students. Listed below are a few outreach initiatives that we assist with to ensure students have the support they need to make a smooth transition to college, and ongoing guidance throughout their academic journey.
NSO is created with all incoming students in mind! Students will have the opportunity to meet other newly admitted students, learn about important policies and helpful resources, explore academic opportunities, and most importantly ensure they will have a successful transition to UNT Dallas.
Our Student Success Center plays a big role within NSO. Our team is given a list of students who are newly admitted ensuring all holds are cleared before their NSO attendance date for a smoother process. Our Peer Success Coaches communicate weekly with prospective students by sending helpful information such as instructions and resources to help clear out holds reflected on EIS.
Early Alert is a college-wide effort to promote student learning and success by providing early feedback and support to students regarding their course progress. Faculty submit alerts for students in their classes who may be in danger of earning a low course grade, lack of participation/attendance, missing work, failing midterm grade, to offer kudos, or other reasons.
Students are notified by 3 communication points (text, email, and phone call, every other day) by our Peer Success Coaches. Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment to meet with their peer success coach to create a success plan for their academics and provide tools to help with work/life balance. Our Peer Success Coaches work with students connect with their instructors, advisor, and other campus resources for additional assistance and support.
A regular check-in involves students meeting with a peer success coach. Check-ins may vary depending on your needs in topics related but not limited to: goal setting, study strategies, time management, and organizational skills.
Peer success coaches are here to see how you are doing and how to help you throughout college. Our mission is rooted in seeing students as humans first and taking a holistic approach to supporting all students.