All laptops and equipment are available first come, first served and may not be placed
on hold.
Items must be returned to the location where they were originally checked out.
Library patrons are responsible for returning items in the same condition they check
them out and may be charged a damage or replacement fee.
Please bring your UNT Dallas ID with you to check out a laptop.
Students must be enrolled in the current semester.
Laptops can be borrowed for 4hours, 24 hours, or 7 days.
Additional lending periods will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the office
of student affairs.
Borrowers are responsible for the equipment during the loan period and may be liable
for any damages. If a laptop is not returned, it will be considered lost and the borrower
will be liable for a replacement fee ($1200 for the laptop, $20 for the charger).
A registration hold will also be placed on the borrower's Bursar account until the
laptop is returned or the fee is paid.
Laptop Use Tips
Most Windows-based applications will run on the laptop
Do not save any files to the laptop's hard drive. They will be erased when the laptop is turned off.
Files can be saved to a personal storage device or your UNT Dallas Student Storage
Space on OneDrive.
Once the computer is shut down, any files saved on the hard drive will be erased.
Laptop Checkout Location
UNT Dallas University Library
7350 University Hills Blvd, 3rd Floor, Dallas, Texas 75241
Select Available Laptops and see available laptops.
Laptops fees are asigned daily. (need to see library fees)
1 laptop and 1 Charger
$5.00 daily for laptop and charger
$20.00 maximum fine per item
I agree that I am responsible for returning this laptop on time in the same condition
as when I borrowed it. I understand that:
If, after an UNTDallas staff inspection, it is determined that I damaged the laptop
screen, hardware and/or casing, I will be charged repair or replacement costs.
If after an UNTDallas staff inspection, it is determined that I did not return all
cables or accessories, I will be charged replacement costs
If I tamper with the equipment, I will be charged to repair or replace the laptop
and any cables or accessories and may also be subject to disciplinary action.
If I fail to return the laptop on time, to the same location from which I borrowed
it, I will be fined for the loss of the device and charger.
UNTDallas is not responsible for damage to data caused by viruses that may exist
on the network or are spread through the network or from software malfunctions.
UNTDallas is not responsible for damage to external drives or any other devices plugged
into the laptop.
I cannot save files on the laptop’s hard drive and must save my files by copying them
to another location (for example a USB flash drive). All files left on the laptop
will be erased. ITS accepts no responsibility for lost files.
I understand that by borrowing this laptop, I am responsible for its return. I agree
never to leave the laptop unattended or in someone else’s care. If the laptop is stolen
while on loan to me, I am responsible for the entire replacement cost of the equipment.
Once checked out, students are economically resposible for the laptop. Replacement
cost is added to the students account.