What is the Substance Abuse & Addiction certificate?
The Substance Abuse & Addiction certificate helps students understand the nature and
impact of substance abuse and will provide the academic preparation needed for licensure
as a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC).
Specialization/Certificates are earned when a HSML major or UNT Dallas student completes
a minimum of 12 hours of advanced-level course work in one of the approved human services
specialization or certificate programs. The student develops advanced knowledge and
skills by completing the required coursework.
For more information please contact Shelia.lumar@untdallas.edu
New students can select HSML on their admission application, however non-HSML majors can select Substance Abuse & Addiction as a specialization certificate in their respective major. Current students who are passionate about serving populations living with mental health and substance use should change their major to HSML. To change your major, you may contact your academic advisor.
What marketable skills will I learn?
- Identify assessment tools used in the collection of client data
- Facilitate, disseminate, and interpret results from chemical dependency assessments
- Identify quantitative and qualitative methods of assessment or measurement
- Identify screen inventories and methods of assessment and diagnosis
- Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills