Quality Instruments
UNT Dallas uses the OLC OSCQR quality scorecard 4.0
This evidence-based instruments and are meant to ascertain the quality of online course design, are administered through a collaborative processes, and are meant to lead to a quality baseline (75% for OSCQR), followed by continuous improvement efforts.
Scoring Method
Passing Criteria |
*112.5 points ot out 150 points possible |
Point Values |
3 points = sufficiently present 2 points = minor revision 1 point = moderate revision 0 points = major revision |
OSCQR Scorecard
To download the scorecard, click the image below. You will be asked for some information and then get the file download.I. Course Overview and Information
- Course includes Welcome and Getting Started content.
- Course provides an overall orientation or overview, as well as module-level overviews to make course content, activities, assignments, due dates, interactions, and assessments, predictable and easy to navigate/find.
- Course includes a Course Information area and syllabus that make course expectations clear and findable.
- A printable syllabus is available to learners (PDF, HTML).
- Course includes links to relevant campus policies on plagiarism, computer use, filing grievances, accommodating disabilities, etc.
- Course provides access to learner success resources (support services, orientation, academic honesty, tutoring, technical help).
- Course information states whether the course is fully online, blended, or web-enhanced.
- Course provides appropriate guidelines for successful participation regarding technical requirements (e.g., browser version, mobile, publisher resources, secure content, pop-ups, browser issues, microphone, webcam).
- Course objectives/outcomes are clearly defined, measurable, and aligned to learning activities and assessments.
- Course provides contact information for instructor, department, and program.
II. Course Technology and Tools
- Requisite skills for using technology tools (websites, software, and hardware) are clearly stated and supported with resources.
- Technical skills required for participation in course learning activities scaffold in a timely manner (orientation, practice, and application – where appropriate).
- Frequently used technology tools are easily accessed. Any tools not being utilized are removed from the course menu.
- Course includes links to privacy policies for technology tools.
- Any technology tools meet accessibility standards.
III. Design and Layout
- A logical, consistent, and uncluttered layout is established. The course is easy to navigate (consistent color scheme and icon layout, related content organized together, self-evident titles).
- Large blocks of information are divided into manageable sections with ample white space around and between the blocks.
- There is enough contrast between text and background for the content to be easily viewed.
- Instructions are provided and well written.
- Course is free of grammatical and spelling errors.
- Text is formatted with titles, headings, and other styles to enhance readability and improve the structure of the document.
- Flashing and blinking text are avoided.
- A sans-serif font with a standard size of at least 12 pt is used.
- When possible, information is displayed in a linear format instead of as a table.
- Tables are accompanied by a title and summary description.
- Table header rows and columns are assigned.
- Slideshows use a predefined slide layout and include unique slide titles.
- For all slideshows, there are simple, non-automatic transitions between slides.
IV. Content and Activities
- Course offers access to a variety of engaging resources to present content, support learning and collaboration, and facilitate regular and substantive interaction with the instructor.
- Course provides activities for learners to develop higher-order thinking and problem solving skills, such as critical reflection and analysis.
- Course provides activities that emulate real world applications of the discipline, such as experiential learning, case studies, and problem-based activities.
- Where available, Open Educational Resources, free, or low cost materials are used.
- Course materials and resources include copyright and licensing status, clearly stating permission to share where applicable.
- Text content is available in an easily accessed format, preferably HTML. All text content is readable by assistive technology, including a PDF or any text contained in an image.
- A text equivalent for every non-text element is provided (“alt” tags, captions, transcripts, etc.), and audio description is provided for video-only content.
- Text, graphics, and images are understandable when viewed without color. Text should be used as a primary method for delivering information.
- Hyperlink text is descriptive and makes sense when out of context (avoid using “click here”).
V. Interaction
- Regular and substantive instructor-to-student expectations, and predictable/scheduled interactions and feedback are present, appropriate for the course length and structure, and are easy to find.
- Expectations for all course interactions (instructor to student, student to student, student to instructor) are clearly stated and modeled in all course interaction/communication channels.
- Learners have an opportunity to get to know the instructor.
- Course provides activities intended to build a sense of class community, support open communication, promote regular and substantive interaction, and establish trust (e.g., icebreaking activities, Course Bulletin Board, planned Office Hours, and dedicated discussion forums).
- Course offers opportunities for learner to learner interaction and constructive collaboration.
- Course provides learners with opportunities in course interactions to share resources and inject knowledge from diverse sources of information with guidance and/or standards from the instructor.
VI. Assessment and Feedback
- Course grading policies, including consequences of late submissions, are clearly stated in the course information or syllabus materials.
- Course includes frequent, appropriate, and authentic methods to assess the learners’ mastery of content.
- Criteria for the assessment of a graded assignment are clearly articulated (rubrics, exemplary work).
- Course provides opportunities for learners to review their performance and assess their own learning throughout the course (via pre-tests, self-tests with feedback, reflective assignments, peer assessment, etc.).
- Learners are informed when a timed response is required. Proper lead time is provided to ensure there is an opportunity to prepare an accommodation.
- Learners have easy access to a well designed and up-to-date gradebook.
- Course includes the opportunity for learners to provide descriptive feedback on their experience in the online course, the course design, content, user experience, and technology.
THECB Principles of Good Practice
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board commends and encourages the development of online courses and programs that enhance access to higher education throughout the state of Texas. The Coordinating Board works closely with Texas colleges and universities as well as with ICUT (Independent Colleges and Universities of Texas) to ensure the high quality of distance education. To that end, UNT Dallas is required to certify that their distance education programs are in compliance with the Principles of Good Practice.
SACS-COC Compliance
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools guidelines for Online learning programs are listed in the Best Practices for Electronically Offered Degree and Certificate Programs and Distance and Correspondence Education Policy Statement.