Commencement is a significant milestone, and UNT Dallas College of Law provides graduates with the essential details to prepare for the ceremony. This page includes information on ordering regalia, dress guidelines, the application process and key deadlines. Graduates should review all requirements carefully to ensure a smooth and memorable commencement experience.
The graduation application is made available in MyLaw to eligible candidates by the Office of the Law Registrar. Notification is provided to eligible candidates when it is available. Application deadlines are posted in the College of Law academic calendar. An application is required before a degree can be conferred, even if a student will not attend commencement.
The graduation fee is a $100.00 one-time, non-refundable fee that will be added to your student account. The fee must be paid by all students who have to applied to graduate, regardless of whether you intend to participate in the commencement ceremony.
Note: This is a one-time fee. Students who are not approved for graduation will not be charged a second fee.
Diplomas are mailed 8-10 weeks after the end of the semester. Candidates should confirm that MyLaw has accurate and up-to-date contact information. The Office of the Law Registrar will send an email prior to graduation for candidates to confirm their mailing address and name for the diploma. All outstanding balances must be resolved, including the graduation fee, and financial aid exit counseling must be complete in order for candidates to receive their diploma.
Graduates will have their photo taken by professional photographers during the Hooding Ceremony.
If you know someone who wants to volunteer during Commencement, please have them contact the Law Registrar at
The COL regalia is black with purple velvet. Graduate wear a doctoral robe, hood and Tam with a purple UNTD COL tassel.
Rentals are provided through JOSTENS to reduce the cost of regalia to students. The tassel and hood are provided as keepsakes for graduates, but the robe and Tam are rentals and need to be returned, immediately following the Commencement Ceremony, to the JOSTENS representative. Failure to return the rental regalia will result JOSTENS charging you the full cost of $1200.00.
Since final grades posted by the time the commencement ceremony occurs, Latin Honors and Dean’s List cords are provided for commencement to students who meet the requirements as of the end of the previous fall term. If a student meets the requirements after spring final grades are posted, their cords are mailed to them.
Dean’s List cords are given to candidates who received at least a 3.300 term G.P.A. for ALL fall/spring semesters enrolled as long as the candidate was enrolled at least half-time during each respective term.
Latin Honors are determined by a student’s cumulative G.P.A. Graduating students receive “Latin honors” as follows:
3.400 Cum laude
3.700 Magna cum laude
3.900 Summa cum laude
Only cords approved by the College of Law are allowed to be worn.
Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) are welcome to offer a stole (not cords) for their members. RSOs who intend to have stoles should reach out to the College of Law Student Affairs Office by e-mailing the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at to submit the design of their cords for approval BEFORE ordering the cords. Further instructions and deadlines will be e-mailed directly to the RSO Presidents from the College of Law Office of Student Affairs. Please be sure to follow these instructions.
JOSTENS offers College of Law rings for purchase. While rings may be purchased online, In-person sales sometimes offer better pricing, and payment plans are available. The Office of the Law Registrar will email a notification to candidates when JOSTENS visits for ring sales.